*sing : aku heran...aku heran... .........
lagi bantu sodara mau promosiin kios-kiosnya nih. ya sembari mengasah kemampuan enterpreneur (ceileeee...gaya gue... :p) ya sembari nyari side income xD
pasang iklan sana sini dengan harapan ketemu ORANG BAIK-BAIK yang memang niat berdagang ataw berusaha dan PUNYA NIAT untuk SAMA-SAMA SUKSES.
well, so far uda kenalan sama 1 ibu2 yang kepengen bgt nyewa, tp terganjal urusan anaknya yg lagi sakit. oke d, kita tunda dulu ketemuannya ya :D
trus kenalan lagi sama 1 anak muda yg ujung2nya minta dicariin kios selain yg punya sodara gue. helloooo... g lom jd agen property atuh...tp ya mdh2an semua doa kalian dikabulkan Yang Maha Esa, which means one day gue punya usaha property hehehehehehehehehehehehehe....
naaah...baru tadi jam 2 siang, g dapat sms, hmmm... sangat mencurigakan isi smsnya...mane pake huruf kapital smua lagi..mau bisnis apa mau ngamuk???!!!!
ini isi smsnya :
*3 digit nomor terakhir dan nama sengaja disembunyikan supaya ga dikerjai orang lain...
hmmm....isi smsnya itu kayaaaakkk....sms yg belakangan marak d...telepon ke no tsb ga ya? mmm...hmmm....
well...g cm berharap... kl memang serius, hubungi g dg baik2.....bukannya sms dg HURUF BESAR semua...minta g yg telp lg.ckckckck.... BERTOBATLAH kalau memang penipu, karena besok 21 Des 2012 euy... so, jalani usaha anda dg jujur ya...
May Buddha bless us all o:)
Joi's Blog
Belajar Merangkai Kata demi Kata yang Menarik untuk disimak

Thursday, December 20, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Jelang Akhir Tahun 2012
jadi kiamat ga yah? kalau jadi, ya apa g ga usah selesaiin report klien2 g dl x y? nunggu 21 des 2012 lewat dl baru d lanjut lg. hmmm.... silly thought :p
ga boleh gitu JOI.... sbg profesional, harus bekerja sesuai dg yg telah disepakati bersama :D *mendadak bijak
hufh...ok...ok...kudu tetap kerjakan dulu semua report klien.. isu dunia kiamat bukanlah alasan... B-)
jadi kiamat ga yah? kalau jadi, ya apa g ga usah selesaiin report klien2 g dl x y? nunggu 21 des 2012 lewat dl baru d lanjut lg. hmmm.... silly thought :p
ga boleh gitu JOI.... sbg profesional, harus bekerja sesuai dg yg telah disepakati bersama :D *mendadak bijak
hufh...ok...ok...kudu tetap kerjakan dulu semua report klien.. isu dunia kiamat bukanlah alasan... B-)
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
PANCA SILA YANG MENAKJUBKAN (Lima Latihan Perhatian Murni)
sumber link :
1. Sila (Latihan Perhatian Murni) Pertama
Sadar akan penderitaan yang disebabkan oleh penghancuran kehidupan, aku berkomitmen untuk mengolah kasih sayang dan belajar cara-cara untuk melindungi jiwa manusia, binatang, tumbuh-tumbuhan, dan mineral. Aku bertekad tidak akan membunuh, tidak akan membiarkan orang lain membunuh, dan tidak akan mendukung segala jenis pembunuhan di dunia, di dalam pikiranku, maupun di dalam cara hidupku.
2. Sila (Latihan Perhatian Murni) Kedua
Sadar akan penderitaan yang disebabkan oleh eksploitasi, ketidakadilan sosial, pencurian, dan penindasan, aku berkomitmen untuk mengolah cinta kasih dan belajar cara-cara untuk bekerja demi kesejahteraan manusia, binatang, tumbuh-tumbuhan, dan mineral. Aku akan berlatih kedermawanan dengan berbagi waktu, energi, dan sumber daya materi dengan mereka yang benar-benar sedang membutuhkan. Aku bertekad untuk tidak mencuri dan tidak memiliki apa pun yang seharusnya menjadi milik pihak lain. Aku akan menghormati harta benda orang lain, tapi akan berusaha mencegah pihak lain memperoleh keuntungan dari penderitaan manusia atau pun penderitaan spesies lain di Bumi.
3. Sila (Latihan Perhatian Murni) Ketiga
Sadar akan penderitaan yang disebabkan oleh perilaku penyimpangan seksual, aku berkomitmen untuk mengolah tanggung jawab dan belajar cara-cara untuk melindungi keamanan dan integritas para individu, pasangan, keluarga, dan masyarakat. Aku bertekad untuk tidak terlibat dalam hubungan seksual yang tidak disertai cinta kasih dan komitmen jangka panjang. Untuk menjaga kebahagiaanku sendiri serta kebahagiaan orang-orang lain, aku bertekad untuk menghormati komitmenku dan komitmen orang-orang lain. Aku akan melakukan apa pun yang berada dalam kuasaku untuk melindungi anak-anak dari pelecehan seksual serta mencegah pasangan dan keluarga pecah oleh pelanggaran seksual.
4. Sila (Latihan Perhatian Murni) Keempat
Sadar akan penderitaan yang disebabkan oleh bicara yang tidak berkesadaran serta ketidakmampuan untuk mendengarkan orang lain, aku berkomitmen untuk mengolah cara bicara yang penuh cinta kasih dan cara mendengar yang mendalam agar dapat membawakan suka cita dan kebahagiaan pada orang lain, serta meringankan orang lain dari derita mereka. Tahu bahwa kata-kata dapat menimbulkan kebahagiaan atau pun penderitaan, aku bertekad untuk bicara yang sebenarnya, dengan kata-kata yang dapat menimbulkan keyakinan diri, suka cita, dan harapan. Aku tidak akan menyebarkan berita yang belum aku ketahui dengan pasti juga tidak akan mengritik atau mencela hal-hal yang belum aku yakini dengan pasti. Aku akan menahan diri untuk mengeluarkan kata-kata yang dapat menimbulkan perpecahan atau perselisihan, atau yang dapat membuat keluarga ataupun komunitas menjadi pecah. Aku bertekad untuk melakukan segala upaya untuk mendamaikan kembali serta menyelesaikan semua konflik, yang sekecil apa pun.
5. Sila (Latihan Perhatian Murni) Kelima
Sadar akan penderitaan yang disebabkan oleh konsumsi yang tidak berkesadaran, aku berkomitmen untuk mengolah kesehatan fisik dan mental yang baik demi diriku, keluargaku, dan masyarakatku, dengan mempraktikkan makan, minum, dan konsumsi yang berkesadaran. Aku hanya akan memasukkan barang-barang yang melestarikan kedamaian, kesejahteraan, dan suka cita ke dalam tubuhku, kesadaranku, dan dalam tubuh mau pun kesadaran kolektif keluarga dan masyarakatku. Aku bertekad untuk tidak menggunakan alkohol atau intoksikan lain, atau memasukkan makanan atau barang-barang lain yang mengandung racun seperti program-program TV tertentu, majalah, buku, film, dan percakapan. Aku sadar bahwa merusak tubuh atau kesadaranku dengan racun-racun ini adalah mengkhianati leluhurku, orang tuaku, masyarakatku, serta generasi yang akan datang. Aku akan berusaha mengubah kekerasan, ketakutan, kemarahan, dan kebingungan yang ada dalam diriku dan masyarakatku dengan menjalankan diet untuk diriku dan masyarakatku. Aku paham diet yang tepat sangatlah krusial untuk transformasi diri maupun transformasi masyarakat.
Sumber: "Hidup Bersama Secara Harmonis", Dian Dharma
(Edisi baru ini segera akan diterbitkan ulang, bagi yang berminat dan ingin berpartisipasi dalam penerbitannya dapat menghubungi Dian Dharma)
(Edisi baru ini segera akan diterbitkan ulang, bagi yang berminat dan ingin berpartisipasi dalam penerbitannya dapat menghubungi Dian Dharma)
lima latihan sila,
pancasila Buddhis
onara - bongkar catatan part 2
Next catatan yang mau g post di blog ini adalah ost Dae Jang
Geum...ini serial panjang banget, g ga sanggup ngikutin semuanya, tapi ya
kurang lebih tau lah jalan ceritanya hahahahaha *bangga...
Yang g suka sih pemeran utamanya...sangat cuantik...entah
apa resep cantiknya, cmn demen aja liat mukanya...hihihi...well, yg g inget jg,
nih pemeran utama (yg ternyata g ga hafal nama riilnya x_x ) setelah maen di
serial Dae Jang Geum, maen di film layar lebar yg notabene sangat bertolak
belakang karakternya. Ampun d...g sampe shock nontonnya... judulnya lady of vengenance
Well, apapun karakternya, tetap aja nih artis TOP BGT... g
salut sama dia...
Oya, after ada serial boys over flowers yg masuk Indonesia
ya...g tuh suka kebolak inget nama Dae Jang Geum dg Geum Jan Di
wkwkwkwkwkwkwk....mirip-mirip lha...jd sering ketuker xD
Onara onara ajuana
Gadara gadara ajugana
Nanani daryeodo motnonani
Aniri aniri anino
Heiya diiya heiyanara niro
Ojido motana daryeogama
Heiya diiya heiyanara niro
Ojido motara nadogama
Sunday, September 30, 2012
nada sou-sou - bongkar catatan part 1
ini salah satu lagu yang bikin air mata berderai-derai. filmnya aja bikin nangis bombay.
temen g yg rekomend utk nonton nih film. judulnya y nada sou sou *eh betul ga yah :-S
rekomendasi n nontonnya udah dari taon 2010 nih kl nda salah inget wkwkwk..baru mau direkam di blog menjelang penghujung 2012. well, g uda agak lupa cerita utuhnya, tp secara garis besar ini kisah cinta terlarang kakak adik tiri. mmm... mirip cerita itu deh hmmm...kasi tau ga yaaaa.... xD
cuman endingnya, si kakak mati gara2...mmm...aduh...koq g lupa yah...kayake g inget si kakak mati krn sakti akibat nyusul adiknya yg takut badai... jadi si kakak uda sakit nih, terus krn mau ke tmpt adiknya, si kakak menerobos hujan badai. alhasil, uda sakit makin sakit...kayake sih gitu ceritanya yah...ahahaaha...kudu nonton ulang d T_____T
ini ost nya...
Nada Sou Sou by Natsukawa Kimi
(Tears flow endlessly)
Furui arubamu mekuri
(I flip through an old photo album)
"arigatou"tte tsubuyaita
(and whisper "thank you")
itsumo itsumo mune no naka
(to the person in my heart)
hagemashite kureru hito yo
(who is always there to comfort me)
harewataru hi mo ame no hi mo
(on clear days, on rainy days)
ukabu ano egao
(that smile enters my thoughts)
omoide took asetemo
(eventhough my memories fade into the distance)
omokage sagashite
(i'll look for the traces you left behind)
yumigaeru hi wa nada sou sou
(and remember you on a tearful day)
Ichiban boshi ni inoru
(i pray to the first star in the night)
sorega watashi no kuse ni nari
(it's become a habit of mine)
yuugure ni miageru sora
(looking up at the evening sky)
kokoro ippai anata sagasu
(and searching for you with all my heart)
kanashimi nimo yorokobi nimo
(in sadness, in happiness)
omou ano egao
(that smile enters my thoughts)
anata no basho kara watashiga mietara
(if you can see me from where you are)
kitto itsuka aeru to shinji
(then i'll live my life)
(believing that we'll meet again someday)
Harewataru hi mo ame no hi mo
(on clear days, on rainy days)
ukabu ano egao
(that smile enters my thoughts)
omoide tooku asetemo
(eventhough my memories fade into the distance)
samishikute koishikute
(it's lonely without you)
kimi e no omoi, nada sou sou
(my emotions for you are tearful)
aitakute, aitakute
(i miss you, i miss you)
kimi e no omoi nada sou sou
(my emotions for you are tearful)
Another version of translation :
I whispered "thank you" while turning the pages of the old photo album
Always, always ini my heart a person who encourages me
on any days, clear sky or raining, that same smile emerges on your face
even when my memories of you fade away, i would search through my mind again
and on days when you come back to life in my memories, tears flow endlessly
wishing to the stars to be with you again, this has become my new habit
when i look up the sky during sunset, i'm searching for you in my mind
whenever i'm feeling sad or happy, i recall that smile
if you can see me from where you are now
then i will go oon with my life, believing we can meet again someday
on any days, clear sky or raining, that same smile emerges on your face
even when my memories of you fade away
i'll be lonely, i'll be missing you
still have feelings left for you, tears flow endlessly
i want to see you, i want to see you
still have feelings left for you, tears flowing endlessly
diambil dari sumber yang lupa saya catat, mohon maaf ya...apalagi kalau ada salah ketik dan terjemahannya.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
bongkar-bongkar lemari
mencari inspirasi di antara koleksian barang-barang yang ada...
ternyata banyak amet notes g yah???!!! x_x
dari yang masih rapih sampe yang uda kucel , masih tersimpan di lemari
buat apaan yah? daur ulang? :P
alhasil sortir dulu deh...mana yang masih bisa dipake dan yang baeknya didestroy aja hohohoho...
aduh...batuk koq ga habis-habis sih... :-(
dan yang lebih paraaahhh.....SEPTEMBER sudah mau berakhiiiiirrrr.... huwaaaaa.... T_________T
y good sih :p let's welcoming October aja deh ^o^
dan yang lebih paraaahhh.....SEPTEMBER sudah mau berakhiiiiirrrr.... huwaaaaa.... T_________T
y good sih :p let's welcoming October aja deh ^o^
Monday, September 24, 2012
Kata Perenungan - Jing Si Xiao Yu
Menghendaki adanya proses,
tidak menghendaki adanya kelicikan;
Menghendaki adanya tujuan,
tidak menghendaki adanya maksud-maksud tertentu.
Tidak memohon tubuh yang sehat,
hanya memohon semangat yang peka.
Tidak memohon selalu sukses dalam segala hal,
namun memohon diberi tekad dan keberanian;
Tidak memohon keringanan dalam tanggung jawab,
hanya memohon penambahan kekuatan.
Penuhi kewajiban sendiri dengan sebaik-baiknya,
menerima semua yang dihadapi dengan sukacita,
bencana selalu menjauh dari kita.
Kita harus bisa menahan diri,
menjaga kesucian hati,
agar kondisi hati selalu berada dalam ketenteraman.
Dengan hati yang tenang,
seorang akan patuh pada hukum dengan sendirinya,
sehingga dapat menjalani kehidupan dengan tenang dan damai.
Kita harus selalu waspada di saat aman,
jangan menunggu sampai terancam bahaya baru memikirkan cara penyelamatannya.
tidak menghendaki adanya kelicikan;
Menghendaki adanya tujuan,
tidak menghendaki adanya maksud-maksud tertentu.
Tidak memohon tubuh yang sehat,
hanya memohon semangat yang peka.
Tidak memohon selalu sukses dalam segala hal,
namun memohon diberi tekad dan keberanian;
Tidak memohon keringanan dalam tanggung jawab,
hanya memohon penambahan kekuatan.
Penuhi kewajiban sendiri dengan sebaik-baiknya,
menerima semua yang dihadapi dengan sukacita,
bencana selalu menjauh dari kita.
Kita harus bisa menahan diri,
menjaga kesucian hati,
agar kondisi hati selalu berada dalam ketenteraman.
Dengan hati yang tenang,
seorang akan patuh pada hukum dengan sendirinya,
sehingga dapat menjalani kehidupan dengan tenang dan damai.
Kita harus selalu waspada di saat aman,
jangan menunggu sampai terancam bahaya baru memikirkan cara penyelamatannya.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Lapis Legit - tabloid Bintang Indonesia
Pengen banget bisa bikin kue deh, cuman sikon lagi ga memungkinkan, alhasil yang ada ngayal aja deh kalo tuh kue uda jadi n siap dimakan. wkwkwk.......
Sebagai langkah awal ngayalnya, g mau merekam resep lapis legit di blog...yuuukkkzzz dah...
untuk hasil 20 potong
Bahan Putih :
- 30 kuning telur
- 4 putih telur
- 300 gr gula pasir halus
- 1 sendok teh cake emulsifier
- 60 gr tepung terigu
- 30 gr tepung maizena
- 200 gr susu bubuk
- 1 sendok teh bumbu spekuk
- 400 gr mentega, kocok lembut
Bahan Cokelat :
- 15 kuning telur
- 2 putih telur
- 150 gr gula pasir halus
- 1 sendok teh cake emulsifier
- 30 gr tepung terigu
- 15 gr tepung maizena
- 10 gr susu bubuk
- 200 gr mentega, kocok lembut
- 1 sendok teh pasta cokelat
Olesan :
- 100 gr selai stroberi
Cara Membuat :
1. Siapkan 3 buah loyang ukuran 20x10x7 cm, alasi dengan kertas roti lalu oles dengan margarin. Sisihkan.
2. Bahan putih : Kocok kuning telur, putih telur, dan gula pasir hingga lembut. Masukkan cake emulsifier, kocok kembali hingga mengembang. Masukkan tepung terigu, maizena, susu bubuk, dan bumbu spekuk, aduk rata. Masukkan kocokan mentega, aduk kembali.
3. Bahan cokelat : Kocok kuning telur, putih telur, dan gula pasir hingga lembut. Masukkan cake emulsifier, kocok kembali hingga mengembang. Masukkan tepung terigu, maizena, dan susu bubuk, aduk rata. Masukkan kocokan mentega dan pasta cokelat, aduk rata.
4. Tuang 50 gr adonan ke dalam masing-masing loyang (2 loyang adonan putih, 1 loyang adonan cokelat), ratakan. Panggang dengan api bawah hingga kecokelatan.
5. Angkat, tuang kembali 50 gr adonan, panggang dengan api atas hingga kecokelatan. Angkat, tekan-tekan lalu tuang kembali 50 gr adonan, panggang dengan api atas hingga kecokelatan.
6. Lakukan hal yang sama hingga bahan habis. Terakhir panggang cake selama 15 menit hingga matang. Angkat dan keluarkan dari loyang.
7. Ambil lapis putih, oles dengan selai stroberi, tumpuk dengan lapis cokelat. Oles kembali dengan selai stroberi, tumpuk lagi dengan lapis putih di atasnya, rapikan. Potong-potong, sajikan.
Semoga bisa terkabul bikin kue ini dalam waktu dekat. hehehe...
Monday, September 3, 2012
Heart of a Buddha
With understandings and lovingkindness, we will look within ourselves.
We will find happiness, wisdom, and serenity.
We will find the "Heart of a Buddha"
We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.
Do not dwell in the past. Do not dream of the future. Concentrate the mind on the present moment.
Even if everyone else Is not doing good, I alone will.
Even if everyone else is doing wrong, I alone will not.
Just as water cools both good and bad and washes away all impurity and dust, in the same way you should develop thoughts of love for friend and foe alike, and having reached perfection in love, you will attain enlightenment.
Everything changes, nothing remains without change.
There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt.
Doubt separates people.
It is poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations.
It is a thorn that irritates and hurts;
It is a sword that kills.
There is nothing more worthy than the virtue of selflessness.
Selflessness unites people.
It is a healing herb that unifies strangers and brings families together.
It is the love for others that is higher than self-love;
It is our only hope.
The rule of friendship means there should be mutual sympathy between them, each supplying what the other lacks and trying to benefit the other; always using friendly and sincere words.
If we fail to look after others when they need help, who will look after us?
Indifference brings indifference lovingkindness brings lovingkindness.
If a man's mind becomes pure, his surroundings will also become pure.
Thousands of candles can be lgiihted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.
Rain falls, wind blows, plants bloom, leaves mature and are blown away; these phenomena are all interrelated with causes and conditions, are brought about by them, and disappear as the causes and conditions change.
Hatred never ceases by hatred, but by love.
All that we are is the result of what we have thought; it is founded on our thoughts.
If a man speaks or acts with pure thought, joy will follow him, like a shadow that never leaves him.
In the light if his vision he has found his freedom: his thoughts are peace, his words peace, his work peace.
The gift of Truth overcomes all gifts.
The joy of Truth overcomes all pleasures.
The taste of Truth overcomes all sweetness.
The loss of desire overcomes all sorrows.
Perfect wisdom,
Perfect tranquility,
Perfect compassion
arise from
Our love,
Our sincerity,
Our understanding.
In separateness, lies the world's great suffering. In unity, lies the world's true strenghth.
Impermanence ~ No self ~ Nirvana
Phenomena are preceded by the heart, ruled by the heart, made of the heart.
If you speak or act with a corrupted heart, then suffering follows you - as the wheel of the cart, the track of the ox that pulls it.
Phenomena are preceded by the heart, ruled by the heart, made of the heart.
If you speak or act with a callm, bright heart, then hapiness follows you, like a shadow that never leaves.
We already have perfect compassion, perfect wisdom, perfect joy.
We only need to settle our minds so they can arise from deep within us.
Develop the quiet, even state of mind. When praised by some and condemned by others, free the mind from hate and pride, and gently go your way in peace.
He is able who thinks he is able.
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
Focus, not on the rudeness of others, not on what they've done or left undone, but on what you have and have not done yourself.
Those consummate in virtue,
Dwelling in heedfulness
Released by right knowing :
Evil cannot follow their tracks.
As a single slab of rock won't budge in the wind, so the wise are not moved by praise, by blame.
Irrigators guide the water.
Fletchers shape the arrow shaft.
Carpenters shape the wood.
The wise control themselves.
Don't be heedless of merit
("It won't come to me!")
A water jar fills, even with water falling in drops.
With merit - even if bit by bit, habitually - the enlightened one fills himself full.
Avoid all evil,
Embrace all goodness,
Purify one's own mind.
When sitting quietly, reflect upon our own faults.
When speaking with friends do not discuss the rights and wrongs of others.
Life is an illusion, a dream, a bubble, a shadow.
Nothing is permanent.
Nothing is worthy of anger.
Nothing is worthy of dispute.
Life is short.
Time is fleeting.
Uncover the True Nature.
Purify the mind and heart to attain happiness.
Be kind; be compassionate.
Be generous; do good.
...greed with generosity,
...anger with lovingkindness,
...ignorance with understanding.
When we free ourselves of desire, we will know serenity and freedom.
Through true honesty, deeply believe that all sentient-beings are one.
That all beings have the same true nature, wisdom, virtue.
Find your faults,
feel deep regret, and
correct your mistakes,
reform sincerely,
practice kindness,
concentrate the mind,
sever selfishness,
Forgive and be free.
Forget that you have forgiven and be freer.
Why do we persist in
our anger,
our hatred,
our fighting?
Why do we have
We do not truly understand that everything arises from our minds, that every thought we have is instantly felt throughout the entire universe.
If we can look upon our work not for self-benefit, but as a means to benefit society, we will be practicing appreciation and patience in our daily lives.
Lovingkindness is giving others happiness.
Compassion is removing others' bitterness.
Joy is freeing others from suffering.
When giving to others do not linger on thoughts of I am giving, whaat was given, or the one who has received.
Since everything is a reflection of our minds, everything can be changed by our minds.
Whe things are going well, be mindful of adversity.
When prosperous, be mindful of poverty.
When loved, be mindful of thoughtfulness.
When respected, be mindful of humility.
There are three ways to correct our faults.
We can change through behaviour.
We can change through understanding.
We can change from the heart.
Until he has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man will not find peace.
He who receives kindness should never forget it; but he who performs it should never remember it.
Cultivate peace first in the garden of your heart by emoving the weeds of selfishness and jealousy, greed and anger, pride and ego. Then all will benefit from your peace and harmony.
Our problems are not solved by physical force, by hatred, by war.
Our problems are solved by lovingkindness, by gentleness, by joy.
Awakening is natural, delusion is not.
Do not become attached to the things you like, do not cherish aversion to the things you dislike.
Sorrow, fear and bondage come from one's likes and dislikes.
Always be mindful of the kindness and not the faults of others.
Those who are truly wise will remain unmoved by feelings of happiness and suffering, fame and disgrace, praise and blame, gain and loss.
The will remain calm like the eye of a hurricane.
Maintain a state of balance between physical acts and inner serenity, like a lute whose strings are finely tuned.
Dignity and quiet joy in all that we do are the expression of perfect concentration and perfect wisdom.
Natural laws are impartial.
Only those who are virtuous are in harmony with nature.
To be honorable in thoughts, sincere in words, good in deeds, is to have the heart of a Buddha.
Peace comes from within.
Do not seek it without.
If the causes we create arise from wisdom, so then will the results.
If the causes we create arise from ignorance, so then will the results.
Good fortune comes from selflessness.
Misfortune comes from selfishness.
Everything that happens to us is the result of what we ourselves have thought, said, or done.
We alone are responsible for our lives.
In our interactions with others, gentleness, kindness, respect are the source of harmoony.
This body is not "I".
This body is just like our clothing. When finished with it we will discard it and choose another, like putting on a new set of clothing.
When we think only off sincerely helping all others, not ourselves,
we will find that we receive all that we wish for.
Lovingkindness as Thought is Tranquility.
Lovingkindness as Speech is Softness.
Lovingkindness as Activity is Altruism.
Lovingkindness as Practice is Peace.
Everything arises from the mind.
As human beings we chase after pleasures like a child licking honey off a sharp knife or a person carrying a torch against the wind.
Whatever suffering there is i this world, all arises from desiring only myself to be happy.
And whatever joy there is in this world, all arises from desiring to share my happiness with everyone.
Those accomplished in integrity,
Dwelling in mindfulness,
Liberated through wisdom,
Fear cannot harm.
Think of the last time you were happy...
Think of the last time you were angry...
Which will you choose next time?
Speaking peasant words without practicing them, is llike a fine flower without fragrance.
Ignorance leads to ego,
ego to selfishness,
selfishness to resentment,
resentment to anger,
anger to hatred,
hatred to annihilation.
Happiness and tranquility arise from concentration.
Frustration and worries arise from desire.
It is our own thoughts that lead us into trouble, not other people.
Our words should be carefully chosen for people will hear them and be infuenced by them for good or for ill.
Wherever there is light, there is shadow.
Wherever there is length, there is shortness.
Wherever there is white, there is black.
Just like these, nothing can exist alone.
To be proud of what we have received or to envy others for what they have will rob us of our peace of mind.
Serenity and generosity are qualities of the heart.
Insight and concentration are qualitites of the mind.
Compassion and wisdom are qualities of the true nature.
When eating, be mindful of eating.
When walking, of walking.
When smiling, of smiling.
I am the owner of my karma.
I inherit my karma.
I am born of my karma.
I live supported by my karma.
Whatever karma I create,
whether good or evil,
that I shall inherit,
and I alone.
Lovingkindness can never exist unless it flows from the mind and heart, from understanding and love.
The contented person, who moves amongst sense objects, free from attachment or loathing, gain or loss, wins eternal Peace.
Greed and anger,
ignorance and arrogance,
doubt and wrong conceptions.
Even these can be restrained by the heart that is calm and compassionate.
Pity arises when we are sorry for someone.
Compassion is when we understand and help wisely.
If you know anything that is hurtful and untrue, do not say it.
If you know anything that is helpful but untrue, do not say it.
If you know anything that is hurtful but true, do not say it.
If you know anything that is helpful and true, find the right time.
He who experiences the unity of life sees himself in all beings, and all beings in himself.
He looks on everything with an impartial eye.
purity of thought are virtues of the mind.
purity of feeling are virtues of the heart.
Rely on the teacher's message, not the personality.
Rely on the meaning, not just the words.
Rely on the real meaning, not the provisional one.
Rely on your wisdom mind, not your ordinary, judgmental mind.
Purity engenders wisdom,
Passion avarice,
Ignorance attachment, worry, darkness.
Hear what is said,
retain what is important,
speak what is worthy.
Attach to nothing.
Peace is not the absence of war,
it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for love, honesty and trustworthiness.
Understand that the body is merely the foam of the wave, the shadow of a shadow.
Snap the flower arrows of desire and then, unseen, escape the king of death, and travel on.
Dedication :
May the goodness accrued from this work help to alleviate the suffering of all beings and enable them to find eternal happiness.
With understandings and lovingkindness, we will look within ourselves.
We will find happiness, wisdom, and serenity.
We will find the "Heart of a Buddha"
Irrigators guide the water.
Fletchers shape the arrow shaft.
Carpenters shape the wood.
The wise control themselves.
Don't be heedless of merit
("It won't come to me!")
A water jar fills, even with water falling in drops.
With merit - even if bit by bit, habitually - the enlightened one fills himself full.
Avoid all evil,
Embrace all goodness,
Purify one's own mind.
When sitting quietly, reflect upon our own faults.
When speaking with friends do not discuss the rights and wrongs of others.
Life is an illusion, a dream, a bubble, a shadow.
Nothing is permanent.
Nothing is worthy of anger.
Nothing is worthy of dispute.
Life is short.
Time is fleeting.
Uncover the True Nature.
Purify the mind and heart to attain happiness.
Be kind; be compassionate.
Be generous; do good.
...greed with generosity,
...anger with lovingkindness,
...ignorance with understanding.
When we free ourselves of desire, we will know serenity and freedom.
Through true honesty, deeply believe that all sentient-beings are one.
That all beings have the same true nature, wisdom, virtue.
Find your faults,
feel deep regret, and
correct your mistakes,
reform sincerely,
practice kindness,
concentrate the mind,
sever selfishness,
Forgive and be free.
Forget that you have forgiven and be freer.
Why do we persist in
our anger,
our hatred,
our fighting?
Why do we have
We do not truly understand that everything arises from our minds, that every thought we have is instantly felt throughout the entire universe.
If we can look upon our work not for self-benefit, but as a means to benefit society, we will be practicing appreciation and patience in our daily lives.
Lovingkindness is giving others happiness.
Compassion is removing others' bitterness.
Joy is freeing others from suffering.
When giving to others do not linger on thoughts of I am giving, whaat was given, or the one who has received.
Since everything is a reflection of our minds, everything can be changed by our minds.
Whe things are going well, be mindful of adversity.
When prosperous, be mindful of poverty.
When loved, be mindful of thoughtfulness.
When respected, be mindful of humility.
There are three ways to correct our faults.
We can change through behaviour.
We can change through understanding.
We can change from the heart.
Until he has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man will not find peace.
He who receives kindness should never forget it; but he who performs it should never remember it.
Cultivate peace first in the garden of your heart by emoving the weeds of selfishness and jealousy, greed and anger, pride and ego. Then all will benefit from your peace and harmony.
Our problems are not solved by physical force, by hatred, by war.
Our problems are solved by lovingkindness, by gentleness, by joy.
Awakening is natural, delusion is not.
Do not become attached to the things you like, do not cherish aversion to the things you dislike.
Sorrow, fear and bondage come from one's likes and dislikes.
Always be mindful of the kindness and not the faults of others.
Those who are truly wise will remain unmoved by feelings of happiness and suffering, fame and disgrace, praise and blame, gain and loss.
The will remain calm like the eye of a hurricane.
Maintain a state of balance between physical acts and inner serenity, like a lute whose strings are finely tuned.
Dignity and quiet joy in all that we do are the expression of perfect concentration and perfect wisdom.
Natural laws are impartial.
Only those who are virtuous are in harmony with nature.
To be honorable in thoughts, sincere in words, good in deeds, is to have the heart of a Buddha.
Peace comes from within.
Do not seek it without.
If the causes we create arise from wisdom, so then will the results.
If the causes we create arise from ignorance, so then will the results.
Good fortune comes from selflessness.
Misfortune comes from selfishness.
Everything that happens to us is the result of what we ourselves have thought, said, or done.
We alone are responsible for our lives.
In our interactions with others, gentleness, kindness, respect are the source of harmoony.
This body is not "I".
This body is just like our clothing. When finished with it we will discard it and choose another, like putting on a new set of clothing.
When we think only off sincerely helping all others, not ourselves,
we will find that we receive all that we wish for.
Lovingkindness as Thought is Tranquility.
Lovingkindness as Speech is Softness.
Lovingkindness as Activity is Altruism.
Lovingkindness as Practice is Peace.
Everything arises from the mind.
As human beings we chase after pleasures like a child licking honey off a sharp knife or a person carrying a torch against the wind.
Whatever suffering there is i this world, all arises from desiring only myself to be happy.
And whatever joy there is in this world, all arises from desiring to share my happiness with everyone.
Those accomplished in integrity,
Dwelling in mindfulness,
Liberated through wisdom,
Fear cannot harm.
Think of the last time you were happy...
Think of the last time you were angry...
Which will you choose next time?
Speaking peasant words without practicing them, is llike a fine flower without fragrance.
Ignorance leads to ego,
ego to selfishness,
selfishness to resentment,
resentment to anger,
anger to hatred,
hatred to annihilation.
Happiness and tranquility arise from concentration.
Frustration and worries arise from desire.
It is our own thoughts that lead us into trouble, not other people.
Our words should be carefully chosen for people will hear them and be infuenced by them for good or for ill.
Wherever there is light, there is shadow.
Wherever there is length, there is shortness.
Wherever there is white, there is black.
Just like these, nothing can exist alone.
To be proud of what we have received or to envy others for what they have will rob us of our peace of mind.
Serenity and generosity are qualities of the heart.
Insight and concentration are qualitites of the mind.
Compassion and wisdom are qualities of the true nature.
When eating, be mindful of eating.
When walking, of walking.
When smiling, of smiling.
I am the owner of my karma.
I inherit my karma.
I am born of my karma.
I live supported by my karma.
Whatever karma I create,
whether good or evil,
that I shall inherit,
and I alone.
Lovingkindness can never exist unless it flows from the mind and heart, from understanding and love.
The contented person, who moves amongst sense objects, free from attachment or loathing, gain or loss, wins eternal Peace.
Greed and anger,
ignorance and arrogance,
doubt and wrong conceptions.
Even these can be restrained by the heart that is calm and compassionate.
Pity arises when we are sorry for someone.
Compassion is when we understand and help wisely.
If you know anything that is hurtful and untrue, do not say it.
If you know anything that is helpful but untrue, do not say it.
If you know anything that is hurtful but true, do not say it.
If you know anything that is helpful and true, find the right time.
He who experiences the unity of life sees himself in all beings, and all beings in himself.
He looks on everything with an impartial eye.
purity of thought are virtues of the mind.
purity of feeling are virtues of the heart.
Rely on the teacher's message, not the personality.
Rely on the meaning, not just the words.
Rely on the real meaning, not the provisional one.
Rely on your wisdom mind, not your ordinary, judgmental mind.
Purity engenders wisdom,
Passion avarice,
Ignorance attachment, worry, darkness.
Hear what is said,
retain what is important,
speak what is worthy.
Attach to nothing.
Peace is not the absence of war,
it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for love, honesty and trustworthiness.
Understand that the body is merely the foam of the wave, the shadow of a shadow.
Snap the flower arrows of desire and then, unseen, escape the king of death, and travel on.
Dedication :
May the goodness accrued from this work help to alleviate the suffering of all beings and enable them to find eternal happiness.
With understandings and lovingkindness, we will look within ourselves.
We will find happiness, wisdom, and serenity.
We will find the "Heart of a Buddha"
SEPTEMBER CERIA (hope so...)
lagu ini lg terngiang2 di kepala :
coba...laahhh...mengertiiii....semua...inii...mencari arti.... *kira2 gitu ga ya liriknya? hmmm...
ok, g lg galau, gundah gulana...ga jelas mau ngapaen...akhirnya milih ngeblog aja deh :p
i did a mistake...well everybody made it...but i feel so stupid n i hate it T_____T
kalau saja bisa kembali ke hari itu n somebody pleaseeee....ingetin sy utk ga pencet tombol send di bbm...jd g ga akan menyesal saat ini...hiks...lagian jg koq g ga ada kerjaan bgt sih bisa kirim bbm itu
try to forget it,,,but, g rasa g baru bisa hilangkan rasa sesal ini IF i remove "i know who" haiisshhh....
galau gilaaaaaa................
again n again, wisdom words say just fulfill my destiny o:) wish me luck ^.^
Saturday, August 11, 2012
stronger...stronger and stronger then be the strongest
Hari ini kepala mumet banget......perpaduan kurang tidur, fisik lelah dan sejuta konsep di kepala yang belum terealisasi. Sempat dilema antara kembali ke track yang lama atau maju terus menyelesaikan track baru ini dengan metode2 yang baru tadi sore aye tonton di tipi... (young on top show).
Well, kembali berpasrah diri saja ke YME, bergantung kepada proporsi karma baik deh...hehehe...kalau karma menuntunku kembali ke track yang lama, ya kudu gimana lagi? ~____~' en kalow kudu menempuh track yang baru, pasti akan ada petunjuknya.
hmmmm......untuk sementara ini, jalani track yang baru dulu aja deh... masa' iya baru starter mesin, uda stop :P kapan majunya???!!!! xD come on......... I AM NOT THAT WEAK, I AM STRONG JUST LIKE Kelly C's song : WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU MAKES YOU STRONGER ^o^
ini liriknya dengan sedikit modif yee...menyesuaikan dg kondisi blogger :')
You know the bed feels warmer = u know the chair feels warmer :p
Sleeping here alone = sitting here alone :-s
You know I dream in colour
And do the things I want
You think you got the best of me
Think you had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone
Think you left me broken down
Think that I'd come running back
Baby you don't know me, cause you're dead wrong
Sleeping here alone = sitting here alone :-s
You know I dream in colour
And do the things I want
You think you got the best of me
Think you had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone
Think you left me broken down
Think that I'd come running back
Baby you don't know me, cause you're dead wrong
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
You heard that I was starting over with someone new = u heard that i was starting over w/ s/t new (hell yeah.... xD )
They told you I was moving on over you
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
You heard that I was starting over with someone new = u heard that i was starting over w/ s/t new (hell yeah.... xD )
They told you I was moving on over you
You didn't think that I'd come back
I'd come back swinging
You tried to break me, but you see
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
Thanks to you I got a new thing started
Thanks to you I'm not the broken hearted
Thanks to you I'm finally thinking bout me
You know in the end the day you left was just my beginning
In the end...
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
I'd come back swinging
You tried to break me, but you see
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
Thanks to you I got a new thing started
Thanks to you I'm not the broken hearted
Thanks to you I'm finally thinking bout me
You know in the end the day you left was just my beginning
In the end...
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
hmmm...kebanyakan ga bisa dimodif...karena uda sesuai realita hahahahaha...keep fighting and be the strongest one ;D
Game FB : Natur-E Timeless Game
haiyaaaa....hari ini ketinggalan 30 poin dari game T________________________T
bete...bete...bete...pdhl uda rajin bgt tiap hari ngikuti ini game sampe pantengin jam terus menerus... B-)
bo huat deh...bb g yg katanya smartphone n canggih aja tyt ga bs menampilkan laman game ybs, alhasil ga bisa masuk ke aplikasi ga bisa maen gamenya...untung avatarnya yg jd jelek, bukan usernya :p
eits...jam 5 sore nih...ud saatnya main lg tuh game...
be right back..or maybe won;t get back in a minute... xD
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
sepercik cerita *huh?!? :P
hufh... *hela nafas dulu :P
pagi ini bertekad, pokoke kudu ngeblog walau apapun yg ada di otak hari ini. wkwkwkwk...
sempat terpikir untuk menuliskan kisah2 masa di kantor lama,well sebut saja "green hell" (lho koq green hell??? xD soale kerjanya kayak di neraka tp krn cinta lingkungan, mksdnya lingkungan kerja dan teman2 kntr, dikasi warna ijo aja biar seger dikiiiittt...), namun entah kenapa ga semuanya terangkum dengan rapih di otak ini.
udah banyak hal2 gila, gokil, lucu yang terlupakan T_______________T
sebenarnya sih ga lupa2 banget...cmn inget per puzzle aja hahahaa...
yang pasti kisahnya ga jauh dari buku MSB by mbak kerani yang booming bgt itu tuh...
well, sebenernya kisah mbak kerani itu terjadi pada siapa saja yg tidak puas sama mr.bossman wkwkwkwwkwkwk......at least i'm not alone in this world to suffer :p
hmm...sebenernya ada 2 kisah yg smpt aye abadikan dalam note, cmn msh kurang sempurna dalam pengeditannya :)) *gaya bener gue :p
bsk deh kudu dirapihkan lagi tuh kisah...kali aja bisa difilmkan duluan sblm MSB-nya mbak kerani hihihihihihi....
to be cont....
Sunday, May 20, 2012
i am back...
Helloooooowwwwwwwww...........my blog....long time no write xD
Well...tepatny setaon menjelang lima bulan...hohoho....lama aje...kemane aje sih aye???
Ok...let me tell a story...well,kayake lebih cocok kl sinetron yg berpuluh2 episod dweeehhh...kenape bisa begitu? Becozzz....setaon belakangan ini banyak sekali aer mata yg berlinang...stress berlebihan...pengorbanan yg sia2....mengenal teman yg bertopeng....mengenal orang kaya yg super pelit akut...yg sampe pd tahap di mana g musti bilang ENOUGH!!!CUKUP!!!
But...wisdom words of Buddha say kalao ini mmg hrs g alami...harus g jalani...mjd bagian dari buku kehidupanku...but still...g slalu bertanya WHY???why let me experience these...
g mencoba tabah...n mengingatkan diri ndiri kl ini karma masa lalu...accept it so i can fulfill my destiny...wkwkwkk...bisa bijak gt krn kmrn br nntn ulang kungfu panda...hahahaha...g suka kata2 master oogway yg there are no accidents...ga ad yg kebetulan...jd mmg sudah seharusny terjadi...another his words again :you too concern about past n future...n forget about the present... yeah...that's me buanget deh...
Yaaaa mdh2an dg kejadian kmrn ini,g ud melunasi apa yg seharusny g byr...wkwkwk...ga mau keyemu lg org model begitu d...ckckck...ckp sampe di sini aja perkenalanny...next i must move on...ga u u d ketemu yg begitu lg xp
Semoga semua makhluk berbahagia...sadhu sadhu sadhu....
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