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Monday, April 8, 2013

你为什么说谎 ost 下一站幸福 bongkar catatan part 10

Ni wei shen me shuo huang ost xia yi zhan xing fu
Why did you lie?

这次我走开 - zhe ci wo zou kai - this time i walk away
再没有话要说出来 - zai mei you hua yao shuo chu lai - i no longer have any words to say
我不想再期待 - wo bu xiang zai qi dai - i no longer want to anticipate
走下去还能多精彩 - zou xia qu hai neng duo jing cai - how exciting it will be to continue walking

我不了解你怎能心安 - wo bu liao jie ni zen neng xin an - i don't understand why you can be calm
也抓不住你的倔强 - ye zhua bu zhu ni de jue jiang - yet i can't grasp your stubbornness
可是我知道你为什么说谎 - ke shi wo zhi dao ni wei shen me shuo huang - but i know why you lied

你说你还在一分一秒也没走开 - ni shuo ni hai zai yi fen yi miao ye mei zou kai - you said you're still here, that you didn't walk away any minute or second
我想留在这里可是这一切已太晚 - wo xiang liu zai zhe li ke shi zhe yi qie yi tai wan - i want to stay here, yet everything is all too late
我不能再像从前一样 - wo bu neng zai xiang cong qian yi yang - i can no longer be how i was before
为我们的明天疯狂 - wei wo men de ming tian feng kuang - to be crazy about our tomorrows
你不必解释你为什么说谎 - ni bu bi jie shi ni wei shen me shuo huang - you don't need to explain why you lied
你不能说我没有爱过 - ni bu neng shuo wo mei you ai guo - you can't say that i have never loved you
说我没有等过难过 - shuo wo mei deng guo nan guo - that i didn't wait and that i wasn't sad
我也想说也许能重来我却还是沉默 - wo ye xiang shuo ye xu neng chong lai wo que hai shi chen mo - i also want to say that if it happened again, i'll still be silent
你一直问我的心到底在不在 - ni yi zhi wen wo de xin dao di zai bu zai - you continue to ask me whether my heart was ever there
问我怎能不遗憾就丢失爱 - wen wo zen neng bu yi han jiu diu shi ai - you furthet ask why i threw away the love without any regrets
而我的泪怎么就流下来 - er wo de lei zen me jiu liu xia lai - while, for some reason my tears are falling

End of song and i forgot where did i get this complete lyrics............

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